Well, it's been a long time since my last post- not much of a blog really is it? Last summer was a hard one because I was having chemotherapy again and I felt pretty awful.
Now, I still have cancer because the chemo didn't work as well as we'd hoped, but because I tested positive for the BRCA-1 gene mutation, new treatment options have become available. My Oncologist was able to request a new drug called a PARP Inhibitor from the drug manufacturer in America (Clovis). This particular drug isn't available in the UK yet, a similar one is, but the NHS won't allow me to have it because I didn't have 3 rounds of chemo. I've been taking this drug that has been provided to me free of charge by Clovis since November. And it's keeping the cancer at bay so far.
On an even happier note, I've been feeling a bit better (although I still spend days in bed feeling totally wiped out), and I'm delighted to announce that we have kittens currently. These are little darlings who have helped me when I've felt down and who are just gorgeous- yes, I know I'm biased. please contact Ali on 0208 529 8114 for more information. The website is in the process of being updated with more photos of Blackberry's kittens who are almost 5 weeks old, below is a photo of Mini Chilli and Marshall's girl Emily, who is 9 weeks old and has become available.
GB*Norskwood Emily- AVAILABLE