Welcome to our brand new blog

In March 2011, I decided to move along with the times and begin a blog.

"Norskwood Norwegian Forest Cats" are Ali, her other half Steve (who reluctantly builds and maintains the cat garden and who does all the heavy lifting!) and our toddler son Gethin who was born in September 2010, plus an assorted cast of beautiful but delightfully dotty Norwegian Forest Cats. We're based in London, UK and devote a lot of our spare time to the breeding and showing of our Norwegians.

This is an attempt to keep a kind of diary of their exploits as and when I have a spare minute in between babies, cats and kittens' demands! Hopefully you'll enjoy it...

Wednesday 11 July 2012

New Website On it's Way and Sad News

Well, sorry for the lack of postings recently. It's been a hard few weeks as we had to have our first Norwegian the wonderful Ellwood put to sleep.

Ellie (aka E-Wo, Mr E Wood, Fluffwood) had been diagnosed with stomatitis in December and it was a very severe case. we'd tried treating it with interferon and anti-biotics which worked well for a couple of months but then it returned with a vengeance.

Our vet had done some research on it and was confident that a new regime might work, but when Ellwood was anaesthetised prior to having the lesions lasered, it became clear that his mouth was much worse then first thought.

Ellwood was a darling- a big softie. He was a bit of a wimp at times, but a total Mummy's boy and he always slept either in my arms or round my head on my pillow. He was the reason we ended up with all these blooming cats and got me into going to shows.

He won his first Kitten Class and that was it. He came to shows up until he was 7 and a half- by then we'd started going to FIFe shows and he was a Grand International Premier and halfway towards becoming a Supreme Premier. At that point he had a scrap with one of the cats and one of his ears was damaged, so that ended his show career. But at his last few shows he was always Nominated- it goes to show that some cats get better as they age.

It's taken me several weeks to be able to write this because I miss Ellwood so much. I know I'll never forget him- how will I get over this though?

On a totally different note, I'm moving the website over to a new host and will hopefully be able to update things much quicker and easier now. That's not to say that it WILL be updated- that all depends very much on how much time I have free- not much usually if I'm frank. But we shall see- if it's easier and quicker then I could be more inclined to do it.

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